Nov 21, 2009

Gomez Bueno - Surf and Destroy

I am announcing that we will have a new show starting on December 5th.
It will be Gomez Bueno with Con Surfboards.

Opening party will be held on December 5th, 7pm-10pm.
Show will go through until January 20th.

Come check it out!

Nov 18, 2009

Clark Little

Hi everyone,

Here is a quick note.
We are going to have a book signing for Clark Little's new photo book this coming Sunday, November 22nd. It will be from 4:00pm - 7:30pm.
Clark will be here to meet you.
Come and join us!

Nov 10, 2009

The Drifter

Hi all,

We've just got the new dvd, The Drifter.

The Drifter is the film directed by Taylor Steele.
It explores Rob Machado's unique journey through the islands of Indonesia in search or perfect waves, different cultures, and extraordinary people.

Nov 8, 2009



We've just got some new product from Ando and Friends.
Come over to check them out.
I will update them on the online store soon, too.

Have a great weekend.

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