Feb 27, 2010


Liquid Salt Magazine just posted an interview with me on their webzine-you can check it out at www.liquidsaltmag.com. Liquid Salt features "profiles of the people who make the history, culture, art + lifestyle of surfing". There are tons of great interviews, and I'm really flattered to be a part of it. If you check out my interview, please leave a quick comment at the end thanking Glenn (the owner of Liquid Salt)for the posting. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy. Chris

Feb 26, 2010

Japanese in Surfindian

Japanese girls attacked Surfindian this afternoon.
Lucky Skye was here, and we introduced him to them "He's an artist having an art show with us right now."
Next scene... 10 Japanese girls were all taking the pictures of him. Flash, flash, flash!! Skye was like an american idol...

Feb 23, 2010

Surfindian in Japan

We just got e-mail with the photos from Kaz (Thank you, Kaz!).
Yes! Surfindian Hats are in the store in Japan!!
Thank you Beams for carrying our product.

Feb 17, 2010

New Slide Magazine in Store

We just received the latest issue of Slide Magazine, which features an in-depth article on Skip Frye's fiftieth anniversay, with photos from John Slavin. The cover features a pic of Surfindian artist Chris Del Moro, and there are also stories on Kassia Meador, Ryan Tater and Cyrus Sutton, all of whom are part of the Surfindian artist family. We're stoked to see this issue, and we're sure you will be too.

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