May 17, 2010


Six days and counting!!! The grand opening for our new surf store, and the opening for the new Koji Toyoda art show, will be THIS Saturday evening, May 22, from 6-10 pm. We will have great food and drinks, honored guests, special merchandise and lots of cheer. The entire event is free of charge. Here are a few highlights:

1. New Skip Frye 11' Eagle, triple stringer, candy apple red, shaped especially for the grand opening, to be for sale at the event. Skip will be in attendance to discuss the board and sign autographs.

2. Special display and sale of Donald Takayama solid balsa surfboards, hand-crafted by Donald.

3. Catered Thai food from Kafe Yen.

4. Primo beer specials at Dirty Birds (located between the gallery and the new store) during the entire event (6-10 pm).

5. After-event party at Bare Back Grill (one block to the south), starting at 10 pm, with Primo beer and food specials.

6. Event will be attended by several of Surfindian's featured board shapers, who will be available to discuss their boards and design theories with you.

7. Art show opening for Koji Toyodo, surf artist from Japan.

We hope that you will join us for this very special event!!!!!!


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